This month, attend a special event in conjunction with the regular second-Saturday singing! On February 8th, we’ll host a “singing school” to introduce beginners and total newcomers alike to the shape-note tradition. We’ll get started at 1pm with an hour and a half of history, demonstration, and plenty of time to practice! Then, we’ll continue with our regular singing 3-5pm.
We sing at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Easton, MD, 7401 Ocean Gateway (US 50), from the Shenandoah Harmony tunebook, and have plenty of extra songbooks available to loan and share. Feel free to bring a light snack to share. See attached flyer for details, and spread the word!
We will follow UUFE’s Covid gathering guidelines (Masks optional indoors but not required; vaccinations expected).
All are welcome — Contact Topher Lawton with questions ( and please share this post with anyone you know who might be interested! More details available at